jueves, agosto 24, 2006

VMWare Image


What do I do with the image?

You can use the free VMWare player to run this virtual machine: [download (http://www.vmware.com/products/player/)] You can also use this image with any VMWare product compatible with VMWare Workstation.

What is the root password for the image?

The root password is 'mono'. The image is set up to automaticially log on as the 'mono' user, and that account's password is also 'mono'.

What's a torrent file?

Ask Google instead. By using BitTorrent, we are able to distribute the bandwidth loads of the 1.3 GB file.

Network connections are slow, why?

Most likely your DNS is not correctly setup, select "control center" from the Computer menu, and then select "System" to configure your networking.

If SLED can't find your hostname, use the ipconfig command on Windows to get your IP Address. Ipconfig will list the IP address for your VMWare guest (SLED) as well.

Will binaries from Windows work?

Yes, they will.

See our Guidelines:Application_Portability for recommendations on how to make your software port better.

How do I know my torrent downloaded successfully?

Use md5sum to verify the download:

md5sum mono1.1.16.1_sled10_vmware_2.zip
8b0dcad3cc9a046717c4798e831a9f82 mono1.1.16.1_sled10_vmware_2.zip

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